Afterwords: It's a tough job uploading this many photos in blogspot... bugger. To the point that I tire of writing about the trip at one go. Words slowly drain out from mini essays to one liners, but the good thing is that my photos are up, at long last, though just some selected ones. Will fill in my thoughts and more words as and when I find time, as well as photos from others.
Went for another trip organized by NTU ODAC, this time to Gunung Stong. Apart from her nice name, Stong is also home to Jelawang Falls, arguably the tallest waterfall in Southeast Asia. Gunung means mountain in Malay, as verified by my trusty Malaysian translator, Weiweiwei. So Gunung Stong = Stong Mountain, and it resides within the Dabong Forest Reserve. I did my homework.
Which got me thinking.. maybe this is what Anwar asked his alleged gay partner: “Awak mau pergi ke Gunung Pecah Belakang dengan saya, sayang? … boleh minum dari air terjun saya”
“Do you want to go Brokeback Mountain with me, sweetheart?… can drink from my waterfall”.
In all, 36 of us travelled, split into 3 groups. Here’s the wise and noble Group 1, which includes a Swedish exchange student and a Princess from Swaziland:

do you rmb me :D
im from lj! hahaha YUMIN here (:
beautiful pictures! love the clouds pictures below. wheres gunung stong? shall read more regularly now :D
so which one's your blog! the one with the shit or the one w/o? :D
update at lj with nice pictures please!(:
hey there, of coz i still rem you .. haha
both are mine, just that this shitty one is a travel blog. not that i;ve travelled alot, but just preparing for the future, u know.. haha. will update more when i'm free.
anyway, same thing, still kinda busy and haven't been taking photos.. so i'll prolly have the shortest LJ now. muahaha.
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